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Test Classes

The tests you write will need to be contained within a test class. Using our framework will require you to extend one of our built-in test classes. Currently, that means extending either BaseTest or BaseRandomTest.


This is used for all tests.

What it tests:

  1. That the output of the program matches the structure defined by the "Test Sentence".


This is used when your test contains random clauses (i.e. RandomInteger).

Note: BaseRandomTest extends BaseTest so all functionality from BaseTest remains even if you use BaseRandomTest.

What it tests:

  1. Everything that BaseTest does.
  2. That random values in the output behave randomly within their boundaries (i.e. Check that a RandomInteger(1, 10) is actually random and not just hardcoded).
  3. That random values in the output are always within their set ranges (i.e. Check that a RandomInteger(1, 10) is within the range [1-10)).

Setting up a test class​

Regardless of which test class you extended, there are 2 methods you absolutely must specify. Your IDE should warn you if you forget, though. These 2 mandatory methods are: public Clause[] testSentence() and public void runMain()


This should return an array of Clause objects specifying the structure of the output the program should create. Example:

public Clause[] testSentence() {
return new Clause[]{
new StringLiteral("This is a random test with retrieval."),
new NewLine(),
new RandomInteger(5, 10, "important number"),


This method should simply call and run the main method of the class you are intending to test. For example, let's say we want to test the output of a class called Example:

public void runMain() {
Example.main(new String[0]);